Tmnt fiction Wiki
Nicholas James Darley
Biographical Information
Home New York City, New York
Nickname(s) Nick
Date of Birth June 24, 1995
Hobbies running, plays video games
Abilities fast
Known Languages English, French
Occupation Pizza delivery boy for Roy's Pizza
Affiliation Eleanor Roosevelt High School
Physical Description
Species Human
Gender Male
Height 5'7"
Weight 134 lbs.
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Teachers and Students
Biological Deborah Darley (mother)

Adam Darley (father)

Selena Darley (sister)

Alexandra Darley (sister)

Karen Nissenholtz (aunt)

Unnamed Cousins

Marital Joseph Nissenholtz (uncle)

 Nicholas James Darley is a major supporting character in the story A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words . He resides in New York City and attends Eleanor Roosevelt High School. He is also a member of his school's cross country team along with Avariella .


Nick has been described by others as being very friendly as well as being charismatic. He has a strong sense of loyalty to those who are close to him and will quickly come to their aid if needed. He has also been shown to be fairly confident in himself and often starts conversations with people he did not know beforehand.

It is also apparent that he has a crush on Avariella Weller. However, she does not appear to reciprocate his feelings and instead only sees him as a friend as well as a favored running partner.


Nicholas has large, dark brown eyes and light brown hair. Due to his constant running, he has toned legs and is overall in fairly good shape. In comparison to his close friends, Nick is rather tall and has somewhat of a lanky build.

Most often, he can be seen wearing jeans and a tee along with sneakers while dressing casually and for school. When dressing up for his school dance, he wore black slacks and shoes along with a blue collared shirt and a blue tie.




  • Gender: Male
  • Form of Nikolaos
  • Origin: Greek
  • Meaning: Victory of the people
  • Pronunciation: NIK oll ass


  • Gender: Male
  • Form of Jacobus
  • Origin: Hebrew
  • Meaning: Supplanter
  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: Supplanter
  • Pronunciation: JAYMZ


  • Many of the images used to portray Nick are images of Lucas Cruikshank, an actor who plays the lead in Marvin Marvin.

